Coaching by Claudia ☆ Terms & Conditions

Dear coaching client, 

You are probably here because you are seeking further information on Claudia's coaching services. To ensure that the coaching is valuable to you and helps you to achieve the outcomes you desire, please read and understand the terms and conditions following. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Terms & Conditions when working with Claudia:

Coaching by Claudia provides you with coaching services to facilitate your achievement of specific and agreed goals related to your personal and professional development through a series of regular conversations or meetings with you (coaching sessions), and on-going support in between sessions, on these terms and conditions. You will define your goals with Claudia during the coaching sessions.

Your role and preparation
Coaching provides you a structure of support, to help you focus and achieve goals. As preparation for each coaching session, please bring the topic, question or challenge. If you are well prepared, Claudia can provide you a greater value and impact. Coaching is a very rewarding journey, the most relevant investment in your life. 
Your results are dependent on your actions. You enter coaching with the full understanding that you are wholly responsible for creating your own results. Coaching addresses your specific life, business and work based topics, balance, personal performance and development. Activities may include creative exercises, values clarification, power brainstorming, business or career strategic planning, among others.

Claudia's engagement as coach

Claudia is professionally trained in Co-Active Coaching by The Coaches Training Institute (CTI). She adheres to the International Coach Federation (ICF) code of ethics. Claudia serves as your sparring partner, challenger and supporter. Claudia is objective and will only provide honest opinions and/or constructive feedback and guidance. She is not a friend or people pleaser, rather a person who believes in you and you can trust.
As your coach she knows you have the answers that are most valuable and relevant to your life. Claudia's expertise is to ask questions so that you find the answers. If applicable, she will occasionally share any experience, knowledge and resources that may be of benefit. Claudia keeps you true to your personal values, and helps you stay on track to get the results you want.
In between sessions, you can always reach Claudia via email or mobile. She usually responds promptly to short clarification emails, quick questions, celebrations or emergencies. 

Claudia acknowledges that anything you share with her is completely confidential. She undertakes not to disclose any information you share with her in any session in any way whatsoever (unless in the unlikely event Claudia is required to do so by law). For details please see ICF code of ethics, as mentioned earlier.
If you ever say or do anything during a session that you don’t feel comfortable with, or if you have any concerns at all with the coaching, please let Claudia know as soon as possible. For the coaching to be effective it’s important that you are completely honest, open, and at ease.

Claudia's goal is to support you in moving forward on the topic you bring to coaching. Claudia is committed to guide you in achieving the best possible outcome. Her method will be to ask questions, to help you focus, learn, prioritize, and motivate yourself to achieve the goals you seek. Obviously, the ultimate responsibility of achieving your goals rests with you.

Coaching Timeframe
In order for you to get the best ongoing results from coaching, Claudia will discuss the best number of sessions for you. The coaching collaboration is flexible, so you can decide when the time is right to take a break from coaching. Claudia expects you to make a mental commitment, to yourself, for at least an initial 3-session period. This will allow you to begin to see some of the major benefits from coaching. 

Coaching Session & Booking
A coaching session will be carried out virtually (Skype) or face-to-face in the Netherlands, at mutually agreed times during the period. A coaching session typically takes place for 60 minutes. You can directly book your regular sessions online in the booking form. Claudia will confirm the booking shortly after. 

Growth Challenges
You acknowledge that Coaching may be personally, emotionally and physically challenging and that there may be occasions on which you will feel emotional challenges - including frustration, annoyance or stress. This is part of the growth process, which is a natural human reaction if you step beyond your comfort zone. 


You will not hold Coaching by Claudia liable for any loss, liability, claim or cost incurred by you (or any person related to you), whether direct or indirect, related to the coaching and/or sessions, including without limitation in respect of any mental, physical, emotional stress or distress (or other ailment or condition).

Fees, Invoicing and Payment
Claudia's coaching fees are communicated by email to you. She requests that you pay by IBAN bank transfer or Paypal in advance of the first coaching session. If you require a formal invoice please let her know your full details.

Availability and Notice
If for any reason you must reschedule, please give Claudia at least 24 hours’ notice. Without notice or a compelling explanation, you will be charged for the session.

About Coaching

Coaching is not therapy, nor an advising consultancy: You understand and agree that coaching is in no way to be construed as psychological therapy. Professional coaching is the art and science of assisting individuals to move forward in order to gain more meaningful and satisfying outcomes in their lives, careers or businesses.
Coaching is not psychotherapy or counseling: You should not expect Claudia to provide any assessment or counseling to assist the client in understanding conscious or unconscious motivations; to resolve emotional, relationship, or attitudinal conflicts; or to modify behaviors that interfere with effective emotional, social, or intellectual functioning.
Neither is it consulting or giving advice: Professional coaching is teamwork, a co-active collaboration between coach and client. Claudia guides you, steers, challenges and motivates you. She is not telling you what or how to reach your goals, rather supports you in finding your personal way to do so. Due to her 8 years experience in business development she might occasionally share some recommendations or input, depending on the specific goal and situation.